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ISSN 0718-3291 Printed version
ISSN 0718-3305 Online version

Volume 32 Publicación Continua


Harmonic analysis in power systems and regulatory standards: impact of electric arc furnaces in steel mills
Jimmy Cesar Gonzales Arispe, Alvaro Yassif Marca Yucra
Application of the Lean Construction methodology in an urban paving work
Bryan Peter Chinchay Ramirez, Sócrates Pedro Muñoz Pérez, Noe Humberto Marín Bardales, Juan Martín García Chumacero
Discrete simulation applied to the improvement of patient flows in hospital institutions
Yasniel Sánchez Suárez, Arialys Hernández Nariño, Maylín Marqués León, Orlando Santos Pérez, Sonia Emilia Leyva Ricardo
Geometrical and kinematic analysis of power transmission system between non-parallel shafts
David Eduardo Martínez, Jorge Andrés García-Barbosa, Johanny Franchesco Nino
Multi-tenant architecture for software as a service implementation and its influence on usability of micro and small enterprises in the commercial sector of the Peruvian northeast region
Edwin Alexander Bautista Villegas, Johann James Valles Paz, Hitler Collantes Chules, Nancy Esther Casildo-Bedón, Jeison Elí Sánchez Calle
A constraint programming-based system for shift scheduling in a fuel supply company
Gabriel Echeverría Canque, Ricardo Valdivia Pinto
Deep learning from noisy multi-label food images
Roberto Morales, Ángela Martínez, Eduardo Aguilar
Characterization of earthquakes in northern Chile using clustering techniques for the identification of possible first response points
Francisco García Barrera, David Contreras Aguilar, Fernando Vergara Ramírez, Xenia Andaur Estica
Electroacoustic and thermal characterization of an overhung type moving coil dynamic loudspeaker
Nicolás F. Quinteros, Víctor M. Espinoza
Metaverses in education: A view from literature
Nahur M. Meléndez Araya, José L. Jorquera Pallauta, Nahur J. Meléndez Castillo
Examining cybersecurity culture in Leon city organizations: Insights from 2022
Francisco Javier García Arellano, Ítalo Donoso Barraza, Angélica Flores Bustos, Carlos Pon Soto, Víctor Flores Fonseca, Rafael Martínez-Peláez
Generation of realistic children’s book images based on diffusion models
Nayeli Joaquinita Meléndez Acosta, Edmundo Bonilla Huerta, José Federico Ramírez Cruz, Yesenia Nohemí González Meneses
Analysis of the use of software process improvement models in agile development
Héctor Cornide-Reyes, Gianina Madrigal, Guisselle Muñoz, Cristian Duran, José Jorquera, Jenny Morales
Learning in multi-agent systems to solve scheduling problems: a systematic literature review
Gabriel Icarte-Ahumada, Johan Montoya, Zhangyuan He
Design of a wheelchair controlled by EEG signals for a cerebral palsy patient
Cristian Camilo Jiménez, Oscar Rubiano Montaña, Angie Valencia Castañeda, Rubén Hernández B.
Academic body and critical thinking in universities
Liliana Pedraja-Rejas, Christopher Maulen-Berrios, Christofer Rivas-Cauna


Financing state higher education
Marcos Cikutovic Salas
Developerd by: Cristian D. Fonseca -